
Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Power Of Dyslexia

I've selected this information processing theory, because during their learning process, things go wrong; educators identify forward, as it relates to their needs and wants. During the learning process, Dyslexia can influence short-term memory (sum of information that can be held and process in the real-time and in conscious memory), absorption, reading, writing, spelling and math. It also shows itself in personal concern (getting things in the right order and/or sequence, clumsiness). This is caused by the brain sending the wrong signals to parts of the body in the wrong order. Dyslexia can occur at any level of intellectual ability, but it is not due to an individuals ability to learn and/or develop skills. It's due to the way people process information and, therefore, how that affects their ability to learn.
In dyslexia, there are differences in the way the brain develops and functions. It's a life-long condition that does not have anything to do with lack of intelligence or the desire to learn. And, 85% of the 20% of our population, that have reading problems, are dyslexia. *Dyslexic has right-brain dominance*. Dyslexic are highly creative, inspirational and passionate. Dyslexia students, as it relates to teenagers, adults and in the workplace have different learning styles; they need help from teachers, as it relates to their needs and wants.
Who are some of the famous people in the people that are dyslexic? Whoopi Goldberg, Henry Ford, Richard Branson, Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill, Jay Leno, Muhammad Ali, General George Patton, Albert Einstein, Tom Cruise, and John F. Kennedy.
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